Terms and Conditions for VBronner.com

Last Updated: 14th of March 2023

1. Introduction

These Terms and Conditions govern your use of VBronner.com (“the Site”). Read them carefully as they affect your rights.

2. Acceptance of Terms

By using the Site, you agree to these terms. If you disagree, don’t use the Site.

3. Changes to Terms

We can update these Terms. Check for changes regularly. Using the Site after changes means you agree to them.

4. Use of the Site

4.1 Restrictions

  • No illegal or prohibited use.
  • No harmful or spam content.
  • No unauthorized access attempts.

4.2 Termination

We can stop or limit your access without telling you.

5. Content

5.1 Ownership

All content on VBronner.com is ours or we have permission to use it. It’s protected by copyright laws.

5.2 Use

You can see, download, and print content for personal use. Anything else needs our permission.

5.3 User Content

If users post comments:

  • We’re not responsible for what you post.
  • You let us use your content.
  • We can remove bad content.

6. Ads and Affiliate Links

6.1 Ads

We show ads to make money. We aren’t responsible for ad content or what happens if you buy or use advertised products.

6.2 Affiliate Links

We use affiliate links. If you buy something through these links, we may get a commission. We aren’t responsible for products or services linked.

7. Third-Party Links

We have links to other websites. We aren’t responsible for them.

8. Disclaimer

All content is “as is”. We don’t promise it’s accurate or reliable.

9. Limitation of Liability

We aren’t responsible for any harm from using or not using the Site.

10. Indemnification

If you break these terms, you’ll protect us from any harm or costs.

11. Governing Law

These terms follow Swedish Law. Disputes will be settled in Swedish courts.

12. Contact Us

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