Why Tehran, Iran Should be on Your Bucket List: A First-Timer’s Perspective

When I first told people that I was planning a trip to Tehran, the most common response I received was “Why? Isn’t it dangerous?”, I’ll admit, I had some trepidation myself. But as someone who loves to travel and on the road to visit every country in the world, I couldn’t pass up the opportunity to visit a city that is not often considered a tourist destination. And I’m so glad I didn’t because my visit to Tehran was one of the most unique and unforgettable experiences I’ve had while traveling. In this guide we will discover why Tehran should be on your bucket list!

Rich in History and Culture

First of all, let me dispel some of the misconceptions about Tehran. Yes, it is a big city and it can be chaotic at times, but it is also incredibly rich in history and culture. From the Azadi Tower, the symbol of Tehran, to the stunning Golestan Palace, there are plenty of landmarks and monuments to explore. But what really stood out to me were the friendly and welcoming locals. Everywhere I went, people were eager to help me navigate the city and practice their English. They were also eager to share their culture and traditions with me.

Delicious and Diverse Food

Another aspect of Tehran that I wasn’t expecting was the delicious and diverse food. From traditional dishes like ghormeh sabzi, a hearty stew made with herbs and kidney beans, to street food like dizi, a lamb and chickpea stew served in a traditional clay pot, I was constantly impressed by the flavors and textures. And of course, you can’t leave Tehran without trying some baklava or saffron ice cream.

My Favorite Things to do in Tehran

Visiting Darband

Darband is a charming and picturesque neighborhood located in the northern part of Tehran. It is known for its traditional houses, bazaars, and local restaurants. The main attraction in Darband is the beautiful and winding path that leads up to the base of the Alborz Mountains. This path is lined with local vendors selling traditional handicrafts, souvenirs, and delicious street food. As you walk up the path, you’ll pass by several traditional teahouses where you can stop to rest and enjoy a cup of tea while taking in the beautiful mountain views. But Darband is not just about nature, it’s also a perfect place to experience the traditional Iranian culture. You can find many local musicians playing traditional instruments and singing traditional songs in the teahouses.

Skiing and Hiking in Tehran

Another aspect of Tehran that I was excited to experience was the opportunity to hike in the nearby Alborz Mountains. The Tochal mountain, located just outside of Tehran, offers some of the best skiing and hiking in the area (depending on the season). As I was visiting in May and therefore not enough snow for skiing, I decided to hike up the mountain one day and was blown away by the stunning views of Tehran from the mountain.

The experience was made even more memorable by the friendly Iranians I met along the way. They were eager to help me navigate the trail, after which we enjoyed our packed lunch together at the top. It was a great opportunity to connect with locals and learn more about their culture and way of life.

Tea House in Darband
Snow on the Tochal Mountain

Best Sights to Visit in Tehran

Here’s a list of some of the best sights to visit in Tehran:

  • Azadi Tower: The symbol of Tehran, this iconic tower offers a beautiful view of the city
  • Golestan Palace: A stunning palace complex that dates back to the Safavid dynasty
  • Tabiat Bridge: A beautiful pedestrian bridge that connects two parks and offers a great view of the city
  • Darband: A charming neighborhood located in the northern part of Tehran, known for its traditional houses, bazaars, and local restaurants
  • The former American Embassy: Known as the “Den of Espionage”, it’s an interesting place to visit to learn about the history of US-Iran relations and the events that led to the embassy being seized in 1979.
  • The National Museum of Iran: A great place to learn about the history and culture of Iran, it houses a vast collection of artifacts from prehistoric times to the present day.
  • The Treasury of National Jewels: A fascinating collection of jewels, including the famous Darya-i-Nur Diamond, that belonged to the Iranian monarchy.
  • The Imam Khomeini Mosque: A grand mosque that is one of the most important religious sites in Tehran.
  • The Milad Tower: The sixth-tallest tower in the world, it offers a panoramic view of Tehran from the observation deck.
  • Tochal Mountain: A great place for skiing, hiking and enjoying the beautiful view of Tehran
Former American Embassy
Milad Tower

Safety in Iran

When planning a trip to Iran, one of the main concerns for many travelers is safety. However, statistics show that Iran is generally a safe place to visit. According to the US Department of State, most incidents are limited to petty crimes such as pickpocketing and purse snatching. Additionally, The World Population Review suggests that the crime rate in Iran is relatively low compared to other major cities.

Despite this, it’s still important to be aware of local laws and customs while visiting Iran. Visitors should avoid taking pictures of government buildings as it is considered a security risk. On one occasion, a guard came and deleted some photos from my camera after I had taken pictures at a government building…

Secondly, women should be aware that the use of a headscarf is required in public spaces as there are religious police walking around the city. It is best to err on the side of caution and make sure to cover your head, even if you’re not Muslim.

Additionally, it’s important to be aware of the political situation in Iran and avoid any politically sensitive areas. As a general rule, exercise caution and good judgment, and stay informed about any potential safety risks.

While there are some things to be aware of, overall, my experience in Iran was a positive one, and I never felt threatened or unsafe during my time in the city. By being aware of local laws and customs, and taking basic safety precautions, visitors can have a safe and enjoyable trip to Iran.

View from Tabiat Bridge

Tips for First-Time Visitors

So, what are my tips for first-time visitors to Tehran? First, do your research. Make sure you have a good map and a general idea of where you want to go. In terms of accommodation, I would recommend staying in Northern Tehran since the areas there are a lot more organized and calmer. I stayed close to Imam Khomeini Square, which was pretty messy and noisy area to be honesty, but the hostel I stayed in was dirt cheap, which was perfect back then since I still was a student. Furthermore, It’s also important to be respectful of the local culture and customs. Dress modestly, especially when visiting religious sites.

Another tip is to make the most of your time in Tehran. There’s so much to see and do, so it’s important to prioritize what’s important to you. I would recommend visiting Darband as it offers a unique blend of nature, culture and tradition. I only discovered it on my last day in the city which didn’t leave me much time to explore it. Also, don’t miss the opportunity to hike or ski in the Tochal mountain (depending on the season). I also recommend considering hiring a local guide to show you around the city and take you to places you might not have found on your own. 


In conclusion, my visit to Tehran was a truly unique and unforgettable experience. Despite being overlooked by many travelers, this city offers so much to see and do. From its rich history and cultural heritage to its delicious food, friendly locals, hidden gems like Darband, must see places like the former American Embassy, the National Museum of Iran and also the opportunity for skiing and hiking in the nearby Alborz Mountains, Tehran is a city that everyone should have on their bucket list. I hope my tips and experiences have inspired you to consider visiting Tehran for yourself and discover the amazing things this city has to offer. Don’t let the misconceptions about this city hold you back, book your trip and see for yourself why Tehran should be on your bucket list.

Welcome to my travel blog! I'm Viktor, a regular guy from Sweden who is on an extraordinary mission - to visit every country in the world, currently at nr 79 out of 197. With this blog I'm looking to document the journey and to inspire you to travel more, especially to offbeat destinations.